Taking Pictures

  1. Clicking the button Take Picture

The first step for the self upload is to click on the Take Picture button.

2. Taking the Picture

Make sure the sensor is in the frame. Click the round circular button to take the picture.

3. Adjusting the Frame

The four corners can be adjusted to make sure that the picture taken is only of the sensor. Make sure there is not background with any text or else our AI will get confused. Then click the Keep Scan button.

4. Click the Image on the Lower Left

The picture you took should be in the lower left. Click it and then proceed to the next step.

5. Changing Type of Scan to Photo

Click the symbol circled in red. Then make sure to change the type of picture to "Photo". Then click Done.

6. Click the Save Button

Click the save button on the lower right shown in the image right.

Final Result

After completing all of the steps above, your screen should look similar to the one above. If the humidity, carbon dioxide level, or temperature is showing up as 0, this means the AI has not detected the text correctly. Ensure the photo you took was clear and looked something like the one on the right. The data will be sent to the google sheets storage as well as stored locally on your device. This way the self upload data will show up in the graph section.